Tag: Tourism
Kilifi Town Kenya – A Guide to Kilifi Kenya
Kilifi Kenya is a town on the Kenyan coast, home to many resorts. It sits on the estuary of the Rare River in Kenya. The beach itself is known as Bofa Beach and is said to be one of the best beaches in Kenya. Kilifi town lies on the Kilifi Creek between Malindi and Mombasa.…
Kisii Tribe, People, Language, Culture and Traditions
The Kisii tribe inhabit an area in the western highlands east of Lake Victoria. The area is dominated by Nilotic-speaking groups with just this pocket of the Bantu-speaking Gusii.
Kikuyu Tribe, People, Language, Culture and Traditions
The largest of Kenya s tribes, the Kikuyu tribe live in area around Mount Kenya where, at the dawn the colonial era, they came into violent conflict with the European settlers, to whom large tracts of Kikuyu homeland had been apportioned by the colonial government
Luhya Tribe, People, Language, Culture and Traditions
Luhya people: The Luhya tribe, also known as Abaluhya, Baluhya, or Abaluyia, are a bantu tribe living in the agriculturally fertile Western region of Kenya. They are neighbors to some of the nilotic tribes including Luo, Kalenjin, Maasai and Teso (Iteso).
Mijikenda Tribes, People, Language, Culture and Traditions
The Mijikenda Tribes are a Kenya coastal Bantu tribe that consists of nine closely related sub-tribes. Mijikenda literally means nine homesteads (in Swahili), referring to the common ancestry of the Mijikenda people.
Samburu Tribe, People, Language, Culture and Traditions
Closely related to the Maasai, and in fact speaking the same language, the Samburu occupy an arid area directly north of Mt Kenya. It seems that when the Maasai migrated to the area from Sudan, some headed east (and became the Samburu) while the bulk of them continued south to the area they occupy today.
Turkana Tribe, People, Language, Culture and Traditions
The Turkana tribe are another of Kenya’s more colourful (and warlike people). Originally from the Karamajong district of north-eastern Uganda, the Turkana people number around 250,000 and live in the virtual desert country of Kenya’s north-west. Due to their isolation, the Turkana are probably the last affected by the 20th century of all Kenya’s people.
Meru Tribe, People, Language, Culture and Traditions
Meru tribe is an ethnic group of Bantus living in the fertile agricultural land in the northeastern part of Mount Kenya . The Meru people arrived in the area from the coast sometime around the 14th century following invasions of that area by Somalis from the north.
Luo Tribe, People, History, Culture and Traditions
The Luo people live in the west of Kenya on the shores of Lake Victoria. Along with the Maasai, they migrated south from the Nile region of Sudan around the 15th century. Although they clashed heavily with the existing Bantu-speaking people of the area, intermarriage and cultural mixing occurred.
Swahili Tribe
Although the people of the coast do not have a common heritage, they do have a linguistic link — Kiswahili (commonly referred to as Swahili), a Bantu-based language which evolved as a means of communication between Africans and foreign traders such as Arabs, Persians and the Portuguese. As might be expected with such diverse input,…