Tag: Kenya
Apostle John William Kimani Bio, Age, Wiki, Family, Wife, Kids, MBCI, and Latest Sermon
Apostle John William Kimani is a Kenyan Pastor and leader of Kingdom Seekers Church. He is known for his powerful sermons. He is married to Rev Naomi. In 2010, Apostle William made an attempt to ressurect his two pastors who had died in a road accident to no avail. He uploads his latest sermons on…
Smriti Vidyarthi Bio, Wiki, Age, Height, Husband, Baby, Presidential Debate, NTV and Net Worth
Smriti Vidyarthi Biography Smriti Vidyarthi is a Kenyan news anchor and reporter who was born and brought up in kenya. She’s serving at Nation Media Group.
Luo Tribe, People, History, Culture and Traditions
The Luo people live in the west of Kenya on the shores of Lake Victoria. Along with the Maasai, they migrated south from the Nile region of Sudan around the 15th century. Although they clashed heavily with the existing Bantu-speaking people of the area, intermarriage and cultural mixing occurred.
Swahili Tribe
Although the people of the coast do not have a common heritage, they do have a linguistic link — Kiswahili (commonly referred to as Swahili), a Bantu-based language which evolved as a means of communication between Africans and foreign traders such as Arabs, Persians and the Portuguese. As might be expected with such diverse input,…
Maasai Tribe, People, Language, Culture and Traditions (Masai)
The Maasai culture and people have long remained the ideal mental conceptualization of the Western European idea of an African “noble savage. Tall, elegant, handsome; walking with a gentle spring of the heel, seemingly proud and indifferent to all but most necessary external influences.”