Tag: Featured Articles
Interesting: What Does Your Face Shape Say About Your Personality
The science behind each face shape will really blow your mind.
How 20 Year Old Kenyan Is Generating Millions of Money
How 20 Year Old Kenyan Is Generating Millions of Money For most 20-year olds, working in the stock market is only a pipe dream. This is, however, not the case for one Fred Mwireri, whose daily routine involves rubbing shoulders with some of the country’s top investment bankers and generating millions in revenue for clients.
Why I prefer keeping dogs over friends- Akothee
Why I prefer keeping dogs over friends- Akothee One of Kenya’s richest singers Akothee has courted controversy by publicly claiming that she prefers keeping dogs over friends.
Lack of school fees forced me into the streets – MCA Tricky
Lack of school fees forced me into the streets – MCA Tricky SDE: Why the name MCA? MCA: It stands for Members of Chokora’s Assembly – where I once belonged to as a former street urchin. SDE: You had a bright future in school why did you quit and join the harsh street life? MCA:…
9 Most Common Interview Questions
9 Most Common Interview Questions Have an interview coming up? The best thing that you can do to prepare is to think through the questions you’re likely to be asked and formulate answers ahead of time. Here are the 10 most common interview questions and how to craft a strong answer to each. This means:…
Woman Pleads Guilty To Chopping ‘Oversleeping’ Husband’s Genital
Woman Pleads Guilty To Chopping ‘Oversleeping’ Husband’s Genital A woman has pleaded guilty to severing the external genitalia of her husband. Ms Angel Mutuku was charged before a Mombasa court on Monday, where he admitted causing bodily harm contrary to section 251 of the penal code. According to the prosecution, Mutuku assaulted her husband Stephen…
10 Things Guys Don’t Consider Cheating But Girls Do
10 Things Guys Don’t Consider Cheating But Girls Do It’s pretty clear that most would agree, sleeping with another person while you’re in a relationship constitutes cheating. But there are also some serious nuances to the idea of cheating, like emotional or digital infidelity that can cause rifts, envy, and disagreements. What do you consider…
14 Signs Of Immature People Who Really Need To Just Grow Up
1. Ironically, the most immature people think that they’re really mature. They’re very good at judging others and pulling them down, but almost incapable of seeing faults in themselves. They’re in denial of their own weaknesses, and are not willing to admit that they’re human and less than perfect just like everyone else. 2. Immature…
5 Common Mistakes In Choosing a Career
Choosing a career is generally not a one-time decision; it’s a series of decisions, made as you progress through different stages of life, experience, and responsibility.If not guided well one is likely to make terrible mistakes in choosing his/her career in life. here are some of mistakes made in career choices:
20 Things 20 Year Olds Don’t Get
How I came up seems so different from what this millennial generation is coming up. I have made a lot of mistakes along the way, and I see this generation making their own. In response, here are my 20 Things 20-Year-Olds Don’t Get.