Category: News
How to Balance a Side Hustle and a Full-Time Job in Kenya
We want to do it all, and we want to do it well. But, at the end of the day we only have so many hours to get things done. When you’re working full-time on your in-person job, the last thing you want to do is go home and do more work.
10 Best side hustles that will never backfire – Money making ideas in Kenya
We are all trying to survive these harsh economic times and that means finding ways of making more money.
4 Important Things Kenyan Men Look for Before Dating any Lady
Men like to praise and adore ladies with voluptuous body shapes like goddesses’ straight from Venus. These girls are the big thing when it comes to seduction and attractiveness.
The husbands Kenyan women hate to love
Few instances can make a woman feel like a grave digger would make for better company than when her date launches on one of those long monotonous drawls about trekking 10 kilometres to school with hot water and salt for breakfast.
Dating is like a marketing pitch: How to present yourself to potential partners
When I am not out trying to get the attention of boys, you will catch me in jeans and T-shirts with bushy eyebrows and messy hair.
10 biggest mistakes first time moms make
They say life is hard but you try being a parent. Nothing prepares you for the real world and life like being responsible for another soul.
Ladies, here are signs that you are becoming very desperate for a husband
Women yearn to settle down when they hit the 26 to 30 age plateau. Matters get desperate when there is no prospective man in sight.
Which of these five women are you?
Every woman wants to be loved. When women who are married or are dating upload pictures on social media about their dates, we single women can only watch with envy.
Men’s five greatest fears before munching the forbidden fruit
Some can stalk a woman for years, request, beg or even cry to get laid, but the moment she gives in to their advances and even insinuates she is ready for the ‘horizontal acrobatics’, they get thrown into panic.
Crucial things every woman should do after getting intimate
Having a good sex life does not begin and end with an orgasm. Hygiene plays a huge role hence the importance of incorporating some post-romp routine to ensure your vagina is healthy.