Author: Willy Kim
Ways to Stay safe and Avoid Being Scammed in Online Shopping in Kenya
Online shopping has become very popular in the country with most Kenyans preferring to shop online to physically. The culture is slowly settling in and becoming a part of us.
Ways to Keep a Long Distance Relationship Healthy in Kenya
Ways to Keep a Long Distance Relationship Healthy in Kenya There is still hope for lovers who are physically separated by a geographical factor but still got that mental telepathy. Long distance relationship is one of the hardest and toughest ever to manage. But you can make things work out perfectly by doing the following;…
Ways you are making yourself a robber’s walking target in Kenya
What are the simple things you unconsciously do when going about your day that make you a soft target for highway robbers, pick pockets, and white collar crime? No Idea? Well here are some of the things to avoid doing if you want to be safe from robbers;
Kenyan Youths, This is Why you should make babies early in life
How does the age you are in when having your child determine how you parent? What is the best age to get your children? These are questions in every young persons in mind in kenya today.
Common Mistakes to avoid when writing a will in Kenya
A will is a legal document by a person on how his or her property should be managed upon death. However, it can only be valid when a mentally stable person above 18 years old makes it in the required form.
Reasons Why Kenyan Men Lose Interest in a lady
Why Kenyan Men Lose Interest in a lady Have you ever been with a man who seemed to really like you, only for him to start distancing himself and saying he really wasn’t ready for a commitment? It’s a very painful experience to be deeply connected with a man, only to find him pulling away…
Reasons finding good-man in kenya is tough
Reasons finding good-man in kenya is tough Days when men were responsible, mature, caring adults whose goal in life was to get a good education, buy a house and car, and settle down with a good woman are long gone. Today’s generation of men is nothing but a disaster. 1. Most of the men drink…
What women mean when they hug you! Men stay woke
Hugging is a common greeting and expression of warmth, and a meaningful sign showing you care about a person. There’s a thin line between platonic hugs of greeting and something more.
Advantages of Dating Older Kenyan Women
An older woman has an impeccable sense of fashion, flawless skin and voluptuous curves thanks to the copious resources she uses in taking care of her body.
15 Real Distinctions Between A Womanizer And A Gentleman
15 Real Distinctions Between A Womanizer And A Gentleman There’s no denying some men have charm and others have game. The difference between the two, however, can take a woman many years and one-too-many heartbreaks to distinguish. The older she gets, the more men she encounters and, inevitably, the harder she becomes.Because for every nice…