Author: Willy Kim
20 Things Women Should Never, Ever, Do
1. Do not wear a vest or sleeveless top without shaving your armpits or without a bra underneath…
Why Women Scream and Moan in Bed
I have been asking myself this hard questions too. Why do some women literally scream and shout in bed?. When do they make most noise during sex?. Is it when they are having an orgasm or when their men are just about to cum?. Lets find out…
Kenyan Women Love Small Penises New Study Reveals
The study also found out that more often than not, Kenyan women run away from men with huge Penises and find solace in the arms of members with small phallic members
10 Quotes to Get You Through the Marathon of Entrepreneurship
Being a successful entrepreneur is about approaching your success journey as a marathon, not a sprint. However, if you’ve actually run a marathon, you know the high of the excitement at the starting line and the low of mile 18 when you think you just can’t take one more step.
10 Comandments for a Youth to be Successful
1. Do not depend on your parents’ wealth. Someone may come tomorrow to dupe you and you will lose everything. Learn to do things on your own. 2. God has given everyone a talent. Pray about yours, discover it, and work on it. Then it will work out for you.
45 Life Lessons Written by a “90-Year-Old Woman”
These universal lessons are relatable to anyone who needs a little reminder of what’s important in life.
MUST READ: 10 things that successful people do
Saw this insightful article on the internet and thought it should be a great read to share!
The art of wine tasting
The art of wine tasting is very sophisticated and something that has to be learnt with time. But for a dinner-date, we could probably brush you up with a few tips!
How to Stay Insanely Motivated in 7 Easy Steps
Ever wonder why some people just seem so motivated every year while you struggle from day to day? What’s the secret to their success? Were they born that way…and you weren’t?
My Top 10: The Best Career Advice I’ve Received
Here’s my “best career advice,” in no particular order