Author: Willy Kim
Embrace Single Life,Because You Are To Young To Settle Down
Now that I’m in my twenties, it feels like everyone around me is either in a relationship, engaged, planning a wedding, or married. I see that many of them are happy and very much in love (which is a beautiful thing), but it still doesn’t quite make sense to me. Why, at such a young…
How to Succeed in Life and Business – The Hedgehog Concept
Based on the famous essay by Isaiah Berlin, “The Hedgehog and the Fox” describes how the world is divided into two types. The fox knows many things, The hedgehog knows one big thing. The hedgehog always wins despite the different tactics the fox uses.
20 Things 20 Year Olds Don’t Get
How I came up seems so different from what this millennial generation is coming up. I have made a lot of mistakes along the way, and I see this generation making their own. In response, here are my 20 Things 20-Year-Olds Don’t Get.
How High Earners Remain Poor
The point is … you don’t need to do “everything” to be rich. Take just one main line of business. Learn the ropes in and out. Understand the dynamics well and you will surely make all the monies you need with that one line. Diversify only after the main line of business can stand on…
What It Takes To Be A Great Employee – The Parable Of The Oranges
Being a great employee pays off with better positions, higher pay, and more frequent promotions. But some workers struggle to know exactly what it takes to become a truly great employee.
25 Best Questions to Ask A Girl You Like
These questions to ask a girl are more like questions of intimacy so be sure not to go asking a girl these questions on your first date. For the purpose of a more romantic relationship, listed below are 25 best questions to ask a girl, including brief explanations for each query.
MUST READ – Words from a father to a son about marriage
The greatest thing one can do as a father is to share issues pertaining life to their sons. But not many of our parents have the courage to hook stories to their sons about women , sex-life and marriage.
15 Reasons Why You Should Not Marry A Nairobi Woman
15 Reasons Why You Should Not Marry A Nairobi Woman
9 words women use – Men be aware….
Share this with the men you know, to warn them about arguments they can avoid if they remember the terminology. *Share this with all the women you know to give them a good laugh, cause they know it’s true.
Top 20 things men should never, ever, do — Just don’t do it
1. Do not wear tight jeans that shape your package… We are okay with playing the guessing game. Really. 2. Never compare your girlfriend to your ex 3. Never give yourself a haircut, barber shops are there to do just that….