Author: Jack Kantai
25 habits you should let go by the time you hit 25
Although growth is inevitable, there are times that we live in denial in terms of aging. We still want to believe we are young and our ‘baby’ habits will fall off naturally at some point despite celebrating birthdays year after year.
60 Really Sweet Things To Say To A Girl
By this we mean sweet words, during the process of trying to win the heart of a lady you just have to learn how to use sweet words. Not every word you say touches the heart of women, but sweet words works wonders. When some guys complain of how difficult it is for them to…
25 Really Romantic Ideas to Make Your Lover Melt!
Want to wow your lover and express just how much you love them at the same time? Use these 25 really easy romantic ideas and you’ll do just that
19 Things Women in Relationships Must Not Do; Men Hate Them
Deep down, men may love women, but there are times when they find women really annoying. Ask any man and they’re sure to mention these nineteen habits that they hate about women. So, run through those points women and make sure you avoid these big mistakes.
Top 10 Things Men Do To Destroy Their Marriage / Relationship
While both husband and wife should take responsibility for their part in a marriage, below are ten mistakes common to men, which can completely destroy a marriage.
Why women should initiate sexual intimacy more often
It’s true — if you, as a wife, decide to make physical intimacy a bigger priority in your marriage, it will change the dynamic of your relationship in very positive ways. Not only will it mean a lot to your husband, but it will bring you closer together and deepen your commitment to each other.
5 ways you are unknowingly destroying your husband and killing your marriage
Women, we need to be careful about how we are caring for our husbands and marriages. Don’t let the small stuff ruin the things that will bring you the greatest happiness in life.
5 Reasons Why Men Sleep With The ‘Mboch’
Cases of the man of the house sleeping with the maid have become so rampant in our modern society. Marriages are being broken every day as a result of these affairs. In some cases, the ‘mboch even topples ‘Her Majesty’ and graduates into the wife. Women have become so scared that they opt for the…
Keeping A Relationship Strong: Do’s And Don’ts
How do you keep the magic in your relationship alive? What are the secrets to maximising the happy times and surfing the rough patches? Read on to find out.
Kenyan Parents Relationship Advice To Their Daughters: Hilarious
Kenyan Parents Relationship Advice To Their Daughters