The Strategic Plan covering 2014- 2018 is developed to provide strategic direction for the Commission for University Education (CUE) for the next four years. The plan is aligned to national development priorities as detailed in Vision 2030 and the Medium Term Plan (2013 – 2018) and will operate within the current policy framework for Education, Research and Training in Kenya. The plan will particularly focus on the on-going reforms in the University sector as articulated in the Sessional Paper No. 2 of 2012 on Education, Training and Research, the Universities act No. 42 of 2012 and University Regulations 2014. The Plan also provides direction and an indication of human, financial and other resources needed by CUE to achieve its new mandate of accrediting and regulating university education for both public and private universities in Kenya.
In preparing the Strategic Plan, CUE adopted participatory and inclusive processes that ensured consultations and inclusion of broad a range of internal and external stakeholders.
The implementation matrix to the strategic plan is an important management tool for plan implementation, management and coordination as well as monitoring and evaluation of the progress in implementation and results/outcome respectively.
Chapter one is the introduction, that is, the background and CUE’s mandate and functions. Chapter two articulates Kenya’s development agenda as contained in Vision 2030 and the 2ndMedium Term Plan and affirms the Strategic Plan’s alignment to the objectives of Vision 2030. The structure and co-ordination framework is captured in chapter three while chapter four covers review of the 2008 – 2015 Strategic Plan. Chapters: five to eight cover the new Strategic Plan’s situational analysis, strategic direction, implementation matrix, and, monitoring and evaluation.
As the sole regulatory body for higher education in Kenya, the Commission is duty-bound to inform members of the public of those universities that are authorized to operate in the country. Past publications that where provided to the public include: PUBLIC NOTICE ESTABLISHMENT (ACCREDITATION AND QUALITY ASSUARANCE OF UNIVERSITIES IN KENYA).
In line with this responsibility, the Commission regularly keeps the public abreast of new developments in the higher education scenario as well as making public pronouncements to caution them of those institutions which have not been mandated by the Commission to offer university-level education in the country.
The Commission has offered advice and support to countries wishing to establish or strengthen similar bodies to the Commission, in their respective countries. Among the countries that have consulted with the Commission are Ghana, South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda and India.
Commission of University Education
The Commission for University Education Information Resource Centre (CUE-IRC) is a specialized reference and resource facility. The purpose of the center is to provide accurate, up-to-date information on various aspects of higher education such as quality assurance, university education, increased access, expansion of higher education and financing higher education. The CUE-IRC has established an information resource facility with a total holding of more than 4000 volumes of information material in various formats.
The types of resources available include printed books and journals, e-books, e-journals on higher education, newspapers, directories and databases on recognized institutions worldwide, university proposals for establishment, accreditation reports of chartered universities, approved programmes including print journals and e-resources on higher education. The sitting capacity of the CUE-IRC is 25.
The Commission for University Education (CUE) undertakes recognition and equation of Diplomas, Degrees, Post-graduate Diplomas and Post-graduate Certificates conferred or awarded by Foreign Universities and Institutions in accordance with Section 5 (1) (g) of The Universities Act No. 42 of 2012; Section 5A (2) of The Universities Act No. 42 of 2012, Revised Edition 2016 [2015]; Part XI of The Universities Regulations, 2014 and The Universities Standards and Guidelines, 2014.
1.0 At the Beginning
The Planning, Research and Development (PRD) Division at the Commission for University Education (CUE) is one of the new functional areas established after the Commission assumed a new structure upon the enactment of the new Universities Act 2012. The planning function was initially housed within the Planning, Administration and Finance Division in the earlier structure. It was felt that the mandate of the Commission had a big planning and research component yet these functions tended to be overshadowed by the finance and administration functions. To alleviate this problem, this division was created in August 2013.
1.1 Functions of the Division
The functions of this division are to;
- Promote Quality University Research, Innovation and industry linkages in Kenya;
- Advise the Cabinet Secretary on University Education Policy issues;
- Spearhead Monitoring and Evaluation of University Education systems in relation to national development goals;
- Provide leadership on formulation of the Commission’s Research and Innovation agenda;
- Formulate and review the Commission’s Development and Resource Mobilization Strategies;
- Develop Policy for Criteria and Requirements for Admissions to Universities in Kenya;
- Collect, Disseminate and Maintain data on University Education in Kenya; and
- Develop and manage the commission’s Performance Management systems (Performance contracting, strategic planning and ISO certification).
2.0 Departments within the Division
The Division has two Departments
- Planning and Resource Mobilization (PRM); and
- Research and Development (RD).
2.1 Planning and Resource Mobilization (PRM)
This Department performs the functions of data collection, analysis and documentation; analysis and review of the commission’s policies, strategies and programs; provision of technical advice on critical cross cutting management issues to the commission; undertaking studies on the impacts of social-economic changes in the country on university education; monitoring and evaluation of CUE Research Projects; Coordination of long term planning and development of University Education in Kenya; setting project priorities and ensuring optimal resource utilization; Development and implementation of the commission’s Annual work plan, performance management systems (performance contracting and ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management systems); Coordinating the development, implementation and review of CUE’s strategic plan, mobilizing resources and managing linkages and partnerships geared towards the promotion of University Education, Managing the education management and research information management systems (RIMS) for university education and research and coordination of University admissions.
2.2 Research and Development (RD)
This department is tasked with the following functions: Conducting research on critical issues in university education; preparation of research funding proposals in support of university education; conducting relevant manpower surveys an studies; publishing and disseminating research findings on university education and research; formulation, implementation and review of university research policies and strategies; liaising with government, university, industry, development partners and research institutions locally and internationally to develop an efficient and effective university research agenda for the country; mobilizing funds and resources to support CUE’s and university research; promoting and strengthening the research arm of the commission; developing the capacities of universities and the CUE in fundraising, project management, report and scientific writing, monitoring and evaluation of Research Projects; ensure that universities offer quality postgraduate research training, improved research projects management, develop and implement policies on plagiarism and open access; asses and align university research with the national development agenda including vision 2030.
3.0 Research at Kenyan Universities
The world over universities are responsible for research, knowledge generation, scholarship and innovation that is necessary for driving local social, technological and economic development. They are also relied upon to serve as conduits for the transfer, adaptation and dissemination of knowledge that is generated worldwide. Kenyan universities are facing renewed external and internal pressure as the push for them to meet the changing needs of the country become more [pronounced. The country is quickly moving towards a knowledge-based economy and there is urgent need for new products and services. This raises the need for good coordination of university research to facilitate a process of national dialogue on what information exists in the country, its storage and utilization as well as setting the agenda for future research to address our national development goals and dilemmas. Given the high cost of research, questions are now being asked about the relevance and impact of university on national development especially in developing countries.
3.1 Challenges facing University Research in Kenya
The following challenges have been found to face university Research in Kenya;
- Low levels of funding by the universities and Government
- Lack of research infrastructure; laboratories and equipment
- Lack of qualified human resources
- Universities spreading too thin; lack of geographical and thematic focus.
- Rapidly expanding privately sponsored teaching programs that are pulling academic staff away from research into teaching only
- Poor University-Industry linkages; hence undermining the relevance of teaching programs and low levels of university research funding by industry.
- Poor implementation of policies on intellectual property rights, research ethic, plagiarism and open access to information.
- Poor alignment of university research to national development goals and aspirations
- Poor management, supervision, monitoring and evaluation of university research programs.
- Low impact of university research and its utilization at the national level.
3.2 Strategic issues for improving research at Kenyan universities
Improving access to research infrastructure: libraries, laboratories and ICT.
- Improved research funding and capacity: proposal writing, research project management, report writing, scientific communication.
- Improving collaboration and linkages: local, regional and international. University-industry linkages, science parks and research support.
- Intellectual property: creative works, inventions and innovations; commercialization of the same.
- Outreach, dissemination, benchmarking and stakeholder involvement in setting the agenda and dissemination of university research products.
- Data on universities, university research and its utilization in policy making and national development.
4.0 Activities in the Division
4.1 Research projects
The division has been involved in a number of research initiatives. These include
- The NICHE project. This is a capacity building project funded by the Dutch through NUFFIC. It has a training component that is offering a total of 9 PhD scholarships to CUE staff. This is meant to expand the Commission’s capacity to handle its recently increased mandates. The PhD scholarships are the areas of: Gender and Diversity, tracer/Employer studies, E-governance, ranking and rating of universities, monitoring of university education, quality assurance/Credit accumulation and transfer, Qualification frameworks student experience and management information sciences. The project also involves training of Commission staff and Board on corporate Governance, Quality assurance, ranking and rating and tracer and employer studies.
- The Bed space project– CUE is partnering with Housing finance and the French Development Agency to construct hostels in universities with a view of creating a 200,000 bed capacity in the sector. It is to be funded by the French and the lending is to be done through Housing finance corporation of Kenya (HFCK). CUE is playing an advisory, oversight and facilitator role.
- The tracer study project– which has been spearheading a study on where students from various Kenyan universities are working after they complete their studies.
- Needs assessment survey– on expansion of university education in Kenya. Following the promulgation of the new constitution in 2010 and implementation of the devolved system of Government in Kenya, there has been need to expand and align university education to these new realities. The commission has completed a study on current and future needs of university education in Kenya.
- Quality Post Graduate Research Training
Over the last one year, the Commission of University Education has been carrying out research on the Quality on post graduate research Training in Kenya. It has been looking at issues of admission, course work, supervision, thesis preparation and dissemination of research work that emanates from student training. The Commission is now at the tail end of developing and dissemination a policy document and guidelines and regulations on Post graduate research training (masters and doctoral) in Kenya.
- Role of University Education on national development
In the year, 2015, the Commission has started to carry out research to document the role of university education on Kenya’s national Development.
- Integrity and Ethics in research
In 2016, the Commission has commissioned study on integrity and ethics in University research. The study seeks to inform the development of policy and guidelines to guide the same.
- Other Research projects
In future there are plans to carry out studies on the impact of satellite campuses on the quality of University education in Kenya.
5.0 Ongoing projects and Data collection
The division had endeavoured to collect data on universities in Kenya. This includes:
- Data on enrolment at various levels of university education, academic staff qualifications and specializations, counties where students come from and the link between programs on offer at Kenyan universities Vis vi national development goals and needs. Data for 2014 has been collected from all public and private universities. The Commission is now in the process of automating the data collection process. A report has been compiled.
- Gender and Diversity at Public Universities in kenya
In 2015, the Commission collected data on gender and diversity of university academic staff at all public universities in Kenya. A report has been compiled
6.0 The Universities Research and Training Centre (URTC)
The Commission has plans to develop the above facility to support large meetings and conferences for universities and other industry players. The preliminary phase of designs has been completed and construction is planned to start soon.
7.0. Fund Raising
Working with various development partners the Commission is working on a number of project proposals. These include construction and management of students hostels and expansion of learning infrastructure for schools of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (French development bank), researchcapacitybuilding (world Bank), sustainable data collection for improved quality (African development bank), Capacity building in research Training (DFID) and Doctoral scholarships (DAAD).
8.0 Performance management
The Division Is charged with the management of the performance management portfolio of the Commission. It was instrumental in the development of the CUE strategic plan 2014 to 2018 and is now monitoring and evaluation its implementation by the various arms of the Commission. It also directs the process of developing annual work plans, performance contracts, as well as their implementation and management. It also manages the ISO processes and systems of the Commission.
9.0 Policies
The division oversees policy development at the commission. The Commission has developed and is implementing a number of policies. These include; theresearch management policy, policy on appointment and promotion of university academic staff (available at, resource mobilization policy etc.
10.0 Strategic Plan
The Division has been championing the development of the CUE Strategic Plan 2013 -2018. The final draft has been approved by the Commission and was launched by the Cabinet Secretary for Education, Science and Technology, Prof Jacob Kaimenyi in August 2014. The division is carrying out quarterly monitoring of the progress on implementation of the strategic plan.
11.0 Conferences and meetings
The Commission now organizes and holds an annual conference on the state of university education in Kenya. In 2015 the focus was on expansion of university education and quality of postgraduate research training. In 2016, focus is one sustainable funding of University education and measuring quality of university education. The 2016 conference will be held in April, 2016. Those wishing to attend or present papers at this conference can contact us at
Commission for University Education Contacts
Commission for University Education
Red Hill Road, off Limuru Road, Gigiri
P.O. Box 54999 – 00200, Nairobi, Kenya.
phone 020–7205000, 020-2021150,0726-445566, 0717-445566, 0780-656575020-2021154/56
fax 020-2021172 (Fax)
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