Farming in Kenya is the engine of economic growth. About 75% of Kenyans earn all or part of their income from agriculture. Agriculture and farming account for 33% of Kenya’s gross domestic product (GDP).
Despite continuous population growth, agricultural productivity has stagnated in recent years. Only 20% of Kenyan land is suitable for farming and that land is not utilized efficiently. Recurrent crises such as drought add to agricultural challenges.
Crop Farming in Kenya
1. Rice Farming in Kenya
Rice is Kenya’s third staple food after maize and wheat. Rice Farming in Kenya is estimated at between 33,000 and 50,000 metric tonnes, while consumption is between 180,000 and 250,000 tonnes.
For further information visit: Rice Farming in Kenya
2. Wheat Farming in Kenya
Wheat is the second most important cereal grain in Kenya after maize. Wheat farming in Kenya is largely done for commercial purposes on a large-scale. Kenya is self-sufficient in the hard variety of wheat, but is a net importer of the softer variety.
For further information visit: Wheat Farming in Kenya
3. Maize Farming in Kenya
Maize Farming in Kenya – Maize is the staple food in Kenya. Large as well as small-scale farmers produce the crop and a large percentage of the population depends on Maize farming as an income-generating crop.
For further information visit: Maize Farming in Kenya
Coffee Farming in Kenya
Coffee Farming in Kenya was first introduced in 1896 by the missionaries. Coffee is Kenya’s fourth leading foreign exchange earner after tourism, tea and horticulture. The Kenyan brand is known for its flavor and pleasant aroma. It is estimated that in Kenya 160,000 hectares are under coffee, 75.5 per cent of which is in the co-operative sub-sector and 24.5
For further information visit: Coffee Farming in Kenya
4. Bean Farming in Kenya
Beans farming in Kenya has received a boost after researchers at Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) developed a new bean variety that is high yielding, thrives in areas with low rainfall and is resistant to pest and diseases.Beans farming in Kenya has received a boost after researchers at Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) developed a new bean variety that is high yielding, thrives in areas with low rainfall and is resistant to pest and diseases.
For further information visit: Bean Farming in Kenya
5. Potato Farming in Kenya
About 35,000 hectares of potatoes are grown annually in Kenya. Potato farming In Kenya has high potential. Potato production has increased in recent years mainly due to growth in population and diversification of crops.
For further information visit: Potato Farming in Kenya
6. Onion Farming in Kenya
Farming in Kenya
Small scale onion farming in Kenya is gaining popularity. It is also becoming popular because it is affordable to start and its returns are high Onion farming in Kenya can be done in greenhouses and open gardens. The most commonly used onion is the bulb onion. It is locally consumed and available from roadside sellers to supermarkets.
For further information visit:Onion Farming in Kenya
7. Sunflower farming in Kenya
Sunflower Farming in Kenya does very well in arable semi arable conditions as it requires less rainfall and nutrients than maize.
For further information visit: Sunflower farming in Kenya
8. Pumpkin farming in Kenya
Pumpkin Farming in Kenya is amazing. Pumpkin provide food from every part of their physiology. The fleshy fruit is great for boiling, baking or for thickening soup. The seeds are delicious when dry roasted with a sprinkling of salt, and the young leaves and flowers provide a perfect alternative to sukuma wiki (kales).
For further information visit: Pumpkin farming in Kenya
9. Growing Aloe vera in Kenya
Aloe vera in Kenya is a succulent plant species that is found only under farming, having no naturally occurring populations, although closely related aloes do occur in northern Africa.
For further information visit: Growing Aloe vera in Kenya
10. Barley farming in Kenya
Barley Farming in Kenya – Barley is a member of the grass family and is a major cereal grain. Important uses of Barley use in Kenya include use as animal fodder, as a source of ferment-able material for beer and certain distilled beverages, and as a component of various health foods. The grains are commonly made into malt in a traditional and ancient method of preparation.
For further information visit: Barley farming in Kenya
11. Banana farming in Kenya
Banana Farming in Kenya: Varieties found in Kenya are ‘Muraru’, ‘Kiganda’, ‘Sukari’ among others and they are adopted to various agro-ecological zones. They can be eaten as dessert or cooked.
For further information visit: Banana farming in Kenya
12. Tomato farming in Kenya
Every farmer looks for tricks to better tomato farming in Kenya. Most Kenyan farmers started with tomato farms having been told of the huge profits in the market. The truth sometimes is hard to bear as a lot of us, small scale farmers have lost fortunes in tomato farming Kenya .
For further information visit: Tomato farming in Kenya
13. Cabbages farming in Kenya
Cabbages Farming in Kenya – Cabbage is a common vegetable that grows especially well in fertile and well-drained soils. The increasing demand for vegetables has contributed to the growing popularity of this crop, particularly in the urban areas. For the grower keen on maximizing cabbage production, knowledge of major cabbage pests and diseases and their control is essential.
For further information visit: Cabbages farming in Kenya
14. Strawberry farming in kenya
Strawberries have emerged as some of the sought after fruits in the Kenyan market prompting many farmers to venture into the business and establish strawberry farms in Kenya with the hopes of earning from it.
For further information visit: Strawberry farming in kenya
15. Watermelon farming in Kenya
Watermelon farming in Kenya is what is behind the fruit known for being juicy and sweet. Known to reduce stress by researchers watermelons have benefits like reducing fatigue. Potassium, Vitamin C, lycopene and iron found in watermelon drives away any feeling of fatigue you may experience. It is a nutritious fruit. It is low in calories and has no fat , this makes it an ideal diet fruit.
For further information visit: Watermelon farming in Kenya
16. Cashew Nuts Farming in Kenya
Cashew Nuts Farming in Kenya: Cashew Nuts are grown in Coast Province of Kenya. The country produces about 10,000 metric tonnes of the nuts valued at Sh264.9 million. Kenya has a potential to produce more than 63,000 metric tonnes valued at Sh1 billion. The sub-sector has the potential to create employment through value addition and fetch the exchequer billions of shillings through exports.
For further information visit: Cashew Nuts Farming in Kenya
17. Tobacco Farming in Kenya
Tobacco Farming in Kenya – Tobacco is mostly grown in south Nyanza of Kenya where the land under cultivation has increased rapidly and often at the expense of the traditional food crops and livestock activities.
For further information visit: Tobacco Farming in Kenya
18. Cotton in Kenya
Cotton Farming in Kenya: Cotton in Kenya is grown in Nyanza, Western, Coast, Central, Eastern and Rift Valley regions, largely under rain-fed conditions. Cotton in Kenya is mainly grown by small-scale farmers in marginal and arid areas on small land holdings averaging about a hectare. It is estimated that Kenya has 200,000 small-scale farmers.
For further information visit: Cotton in Kenya
19. Pyrethrum in Kenya
Pyre-thrum Farming in Kenya:- Kenya is the world’s largest producer and exporter of pyre-thrum, a flower that contains a substance used in pesticides. The pyre-thrum extract, known as pyre-thrum is derived from the flower’s petals.
For further information visit: Pyrethrum in Kenya
20. Finger millet farming in Kenya
Finger millet farming in Kenya is an important agricultural activity in Western Kenya and Uganda. Finger millet can be stored for as long as ten years without use of insecticides. It has small seeds which dry out quickly and insects cannot fit inside them.
For further information visit: Finger millet farming in Kenya
21. Bulrush millet farming in Kenya.
Pearl/Bulrush millet is one of the small cereal crops. Bulrush millet farming in Kenya is carried out in areas such as lower parts of Meru, Kirinyaga and Embu counties. It is also cultivated in the Kerio Valley and in some parts of Machakos. In these areas, bulrush millet farming is usually grown during the short rains.
For further information visit: Bulrush millet farming in Kenya.
22. Horticulture Farming in Kenya
Horticulture farming in Kenya refers to an intensive cultivation of vegetables, fruits and flowers for sale. At times the term has been confused with market gardening which is an intensive cultivation of vegetables and fruits for sale in the nearest urban center.
For further information visit: Horticulture Farming in Kenya
23. Passion Fruit Farming in Kenya
Passion Fruit Farming in Kenya – Do you know that Passion fruit is the third most popular fruit in Kenya after mangoes and bananas respectively.
For further information visit: Passion Fruit Farming in Kenya
24. Pawpaw farming in Kenya
Pawpaw Farming in Kenya is done in tropical and subtropical climates and pawpaw plants do not tolerate freezing temperatures. Papayas fruits are delicious and grow throughout the year. These fruits are eaten alone or in salad without the skin. The papaws fruits are low in calories and high in potassium, vitamin A and C.
For further information visit: Pawpaw farming in Kenya
25. Garlic (kitunguu saumu) farming in Kenya
Garlic farming in Kenya requires well tilled, well drained soil. Unlike most vegetables, garlic (Kitunguu saumu) is generally planted in the late fall. It is usually reserved for traditional vegetable gardens. Garlic can be grown in containers. However, many containers would be needed if more than a few heads of garlic were desired.
For further information visit: Garlic (kitunguu saumu) farming in Kenya
26. Mango farming in Kenya
Mango Farming in Kenya requires time and patience. Most newly planted mango trees will produce fruit in approximately 5 years.
For further information visit: Mango farming in Kenya
27. Capsicum Farming in Kenya
Capsicum (called pilipili hoho in Kenya) are a hardy type of plant. It is rarely attacked by diseases or pests though it still needs proper preventive care. Capsicum farming in Kenya does best in hot areas the likes of the greater Eastern Province, Coastal region, temperate central areas etc.
For further information visit: Capsicum Farming in Kenya
28. Mushroom Farming in Kenya
Kenya has developed a mushroom variety suited for warm weather, opening a new revenue stream for Mushroom Farming in Kenya. The button type is also resistant to fungal and bacterial diseases. Scientists at the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology – Institute of Biotechnology Research (IBR), have studied soils and found that the warm October – March season is ideal for growing the new variety,agaricus bitorquis. It grows at 25 degrees Celsius above other varieties.
For further information visit: Mushroom Farming in Kenya
29. Greenhouse farming in Kenya.
Greenhouse farming in Kenya is a type of farming where plants are grown in a covered structure with PVC paper on the roof for ventilation purposes, a net-like material is used on the sides. This makes sure that the air circulation is good. This type of structure is used to create a conducive environment for the plants to grow. It aims at controlling the conditions that determine crop productivity such a sunlight, temperature, rainfall etc. This makes the crops immune to weather fluctuations.
For further information visit: Greenhouse farming in Kenya.
30. Sugarcane in Kenya
Sugarcane Farming in Kenya supports over 200,000 small – scale farmers in Kenya. In addition, an estimated six million Kenyans derive their livelihood directly or indirectly from the sugar industry. Domestic production of sugar saves the country about Kshs 45 billion in foreign exchange.
For further information visit: Sugarcane in Kenya
31. Floriculture – Flowers in Kenya
Flower Farming in Kenya – Kenya is the largest supplier of cut flowers to the European Union. In Africa, it is one of the most prominent fresh flower exporting countries. Flower farming in Kenya is the most developed sector and accounts for about 40 per cent of all horticultural exports. It is dominant around Lake Naivasha and in Kinangop, Nakuru, Limuru, Athi River, Thika, Kiambu and Eldoret.
For further information visit: Floriculture – Flowers in Kenya
32. Horticulture in Kenya
Horticulture farming in Kenya refers to an intensive cultivation of vegetables, fruits and flowers for sale. At times the term has been confused with market gardening which is an intensive cultivation of vegetables and fruits for sale in the nearest urban center.
For further information visit: Horticulture in Kenya
33.Irrigation in Kenya
Irrigation in Kenya has a long history spanning more than 400 years. Records show that irrigation has been practiced for many years along the lower River Tana and in Keiyo, Marakwet, West Pokot and Baringo regions.
For further information visit: Irrigation in Kenya
Livestock Farming in Kenya
1. Cattle farming in Kenya
There are various reasons why a person might engage in cattle farming in Kenya. Some raise large herds to sell, others, in the case of dairy, raise them to sell their milk. Many raise cattle to show in fairs and other local events. In today’s economy, many families are deciding to raise cattle for their personal use. Whether you want to have a few head for your family’s needs or raise a herd to sell, there are a few basics about how to raise cattle; from purchasing land to selecting the cattle you want to raise.
For further information visit: Cattle farming in Kenya
2. Poultry farming in Kenya
There are many types of poultry farming in Kenya where one can earn a decent living. Embarking on chicken farming is a good profitable idea This article will talk more about poultry farming in Kenya.
For further information visit: Poultry farming in Kenya
3. Pig farming in Kenya
Pig farming in Kenya is considered to be one of the most lucrative business ventures in Kenya. Pig farmers in Kenya have reaped quite attractive profits from pig farming. Pigs can be raised both in small or large scale commercial venture for providing food and nutrition to the family and for the country or for commercial purposes.
For further information visit: Pig farming in Kenya
4. Beef Farming in Kenya
Beef farming in Kenya is a type of livestock keeping which involves rearing of cattle for production of meat. Beef cattle therefore refer to cattle raised for meat rather than milk. The major world exporters of beef are Argentina, Australia and New Zealand. United States of America and Europe have considerable production of beef for their high local demand.
For further information visit: Beef Farming in Kenya
5. Fish Farming in Kenya
Fish products provide high protein diet and contribute to improved nutrition and health of communities living in the rural areas where fish is the main protein supply.
For further information visit: Fish Farming in Kenya
6. Duck farming in Kenya
Duck farming in Kenya is very popular and a lucrative business. Incidentally, all hen of the world comes from red wild hen, which scientific name is garaus banbinda. Everyone knows that duck is an aquatic organism. Duck without water and pond without fish are considered as same.
For further information visit: Duck farming in Kenya
7. Quail Farming in Kenya
Quail Farming in Kenya is a highly valued activity and quail eggs are greatly valued for their pricey meat and eggs and their proven medicinal value. Quails are considered a wild animal and thus farmers must apply for a permit from the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) before they start keeping them.
For further information visit: Quail Farming in Kenya
8. Peacock farming in Kenya
Peacock farming in Kenya is not a new idea. From the additional time, people like eggs and birds meat to their list of food. People raise various species of birds for meat, eggs, and beauty. One can be financially benefited by poultry birds farming. People want to keep birds to their control for food, hobbies and entertainment.
For further information visit: Peacock farming in Kenya
9. Dairy goat farming in Kenya
Dairy goat farming in Kenya is emerging as a high-return option for Kenyan small-scale farmers, although it remains hobbled in some regions by marketing and distribution challenges, even as the sector soars in other nearby regions.
For further information visit: Dairy goat farming in Kenya
10. Beekeeping in Kenya
Bee Farming in Kenya – Traditionally honey in Kenya was collected from wild bees in forests. Honey has been very popular with many people in Kenya. This has necessitated beekeeping in Kenya. The science of bee farming is known as apiculture.
For further information visit: Beekeeping in Kenya
11. Sheep farming in Kenya
Sheep Farming in Kenya – Some of farmers in Kenya have started scaling down sheep farming in Kenya and increasing the stock of cows despite the increase in the price of wool over the past one year.
For further information visit: Sheep farming in Kenya
12. Rabbits farming in Kenya
For a long time, rabbit farming in Kenya has not been taken seriously. In many African societies, rabbits are considered as pets for young boys. This is however not the case as farmers can now make good money rearing rabbits. We set out to find out more about rabbit farming in Kenya.
For further information visit: Rabbits farming in Kenya
13. Dairy Farming in Kenya
Dairy Farming in Kenya is a type of farming whereby cattle are kept for milk production. Dairy farming is mainly practiced in several parts of the Rift Valley and the Central, Eastern, Coast and Western parts of Kenya. It is mostly practised by small-scale holders, who account for 80% of the milk produced in Kenya, while large-scale farming accounts for the remaining 20%. There are two types of dairy farming in Kenya, namely:-
For further information visit: Dairy Farming in Kenya
14. Ranching in Kenya
Ranching in Kenya is a livestock production enterprise where a group jointly owns freehold title to land and herd their livestock collectively though they own it individually. Selection of members to ranches in Kenya was based on kinship and traditional land rights.
For further information visit: Ranching in Kenya
15. Camels in Kenya
Ranching in Kenya is a livestock production enterprise where a group jointly owns freehold title to land and herd their livestock collectively though they own it individually. Selection of members to ranches in Kenya was based on kinship and traditional land rights.
For further information visit: Camels in Kenya
16. Livestock farming in Kenya
Livestock Farming in Kenya contributes four per cent of GDP and comprises mainly dairy and meat production, eggs, hides, skins and wool from cows, sheep, goats and poultry.
For further information visit: Livestock farming in Kenya
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