Nyondia Secondary School Description
Nyondia Secondary School is a government mixed day school located in Sokoni Sub location, Naivasha Town Location, Naivasha Division, Naivasha Constituency in Nakuru County.
Nyondia Secondary School aims to prepare students to make a positive contribution to the development of the society and to acquire the values of national patriotism, self-respect, self-reliance, cooperation, adaptability, a sense of purpose and self-discipline.
Nyondia Secondary School is classified as a public secondary school and is funded by the government of Kenya and managed through a board of governors and parent-teacher associations (PTA).
Secondary school education in Kenya starts at 14 years of age and runs for four years. Upon completion, students sit for the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE). This prepares them for university, colleges, middle-level trades, professions, vocational and technical training.
School Curriculum
The secondary school curriculum in Kenya covers six major areas:
- Mathematics.
- Communication: English, Kiswahili, and foreign languages),
- Science: Physical Science and Biological Science.
- Humanities: History, government, social education, geography, religious education, and ethics),
- Applied Education: Agriculture, business education, accounts, commerce, industrial education, wood technology, metal technology, power mechanics, electrical technology, typing and office practice, home science, clothing and textiles, food and nutrition, arts, and music)
- Physical Education.
Extracurricular Activities
Here are some of the extracurricular activities that students engage in.
- Drama Club
- Debate Club
- Wildlife Club
- Environmental Club
- Journalism Club
- Science Club
- Computer Club
- School leadership through the prefects’ body
- Scouting
- SDA Society
- CU (Christian Union)
- YCS for the Catholics.
Nyondia Secondary School KCSE Results
Individual candidates can check their KCSE results by SMS or online using an SMS number or website link provided at the release of the exam. Candidates and parents should visit the school for their official results slip. Results for all candidates and the school national, county and local ranking can also be found from the schools’ office.
The ministry of education advises parents teachers and pupils to check the KCSE result slip for any anomaly such as incorrect candidate’s name, school name and code as well as wrong subject grade and report to KNEC within a month after the announcement.
Nyondia Secondary School Fees, Account Number and Uniform
For details on school fees structure, account number and uniform, please contact the principal or the schools office using the contacts below.
School Code of Conduct
All students are strictly required to adhere to the school’s rules and regulations. A copy of the school rules is provided during admission or upon request.
Nyondia Secondary School Contacts (Address, Location, Email, Telephone and Website)
School Name: Nyondia Secondary School
Physical Location: Naivasha Town
Address: P.O. Box 2023 Naivasha
City/Town : Nakuru
County: Nakuru
School Category: Public
School Code : 27537316
Phone Number:
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