Mount Kenya University School Details, Fees, Results, Location And Contacts Of Nursing

Mount Kenya University School of Nursing

The School of Nursing was commenced in January 2012 and offers Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing Science through various modes; Distance, Upgrading and Direct Entry to which midwifery in integrated.From May 2013 Master of Science in Nursing Programme was commenced with a Midwifery Option.
Target group for Master of Science in Midwifery is Bachelor of Science in Nursing from a recognized university with two years post basic experience. Must possess a valid practicing license from the Nursing Council of Kenya.
Midwifery carries the demanding responsibility for the health of a child bearing woman through pregnancy, child birth, care of the new born and contributes to the health of the wider family.
The programme takes 2 years. The course is taught by a team of midwifery lecturers with a wide range of experience.


To be an international role model of excellence in Community Health Nursing training


To produce world class Community nurse practitioners through innovative and transformational education, research and extension services for sustainable scientific and technological development.

Core Values


Courses  Offered

-Bachelor of Science in Nursing (direct entry)
-Bachelor of Science in Nursing (upgrading)
-Bachelor of Science in Nursing
-Medical Surgical Nursing
-Community Health Nursing


Postal Address:P.O.Box 342-01000 Thika, General Kago Road
Tel:+254 67 2820 000,
Cell: +254 720 790 796,
Fax:+254 20 2050315


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