10 Signs You’re Hotter Than You Think

Signs You’re Hotter Than You Think!

While we often think about our appearance, we don’t really think about the full meaning of what hotness means, and what exactly makes us sexy to potential partners. Surprise: it’s not looking like a supermodel on the cover of a magazine! Here are the qualities that enhance your attractiveness and give you an irresistible presence – From a male’s perspective.

1. You’re naturally confident

But it’s not something you think about a lot or, frankly, are even aware of. You don’t constantly wear a ton of makeup, or obsessed over what other people think. That’s super hot in itself.

2. You have a great sense of humor

Though the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, a sense of humor is just as important. If you’re a genuine funny girl, it’s contagious, and boys will be flocking to you from all over.

3. You’re humble.

Humility is a sweet and sexy quality – now, that doesn’t mean being a doormat. You’re just modest where it counts, even when you’re an accomplished and stunning woman.

4. You always make a situation fun.

Even when it’s a wrong turn or something de-pressing. You bring the silver lining to all the clouds, and in doing so, brighten the lives of those around you.

5. You’re drama free!

There’s nothing like a heavy dose of drama to make a man start running in the opposite direction. Even the more beautiful models, when they are all about the drama, are the ultimate man-repellers.

6. You treat your body like a temple.

No matter what your body looks like, that’s a huge turn-on to men. Being dedicated to your workouts and a healthy diet show not just abs but motivation. Plus, working out makes your skin glow (science).

7. You have curves!

Slender babes are adored for their waifish figures, but your luscious Kim K-esque bod has an advantageous, curves are something to be proud of, not ashamed.

8. You’re a trend-setter, not a follower.

You’re not afraid to rock something that the rest of the herd hasn’t tried first. Being a leader as opposed to a follower is an es-sential aspect to the “what men find sexy” equation.

9. You’re independent and make your own dollar!

Even if you have the dreamiest looks ever, not being able to pay your own way makes you appear weak and de-pendent. If a woman can support herself, that’s hugely attractive to men. ( My fellow men, not every girl with expensive things have hoed for them! Some of this girls come from rich homes, some got successful businesses and some work. Some men should just change their mentality about it!)

10. You show that you really care for and take care of people in your life.

Being naturally caring will make men attracted to you and also signifies a strong maternal sense, bolstering the idea that you’ll one day make an amazing mother. Being caring is hot.

By: Kimanzi

C.Cred: Herbeauty


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