3 types of women men prefer most

A man will go for the best woman and he takes his time to observe her traits before he decides to settle with her. Nobody is perfect but for men, there are certain traits and behavior in women that can easily make them fall in love & those that they really hate.

Although ladies are not so choosy, men are and here are four types of women men prefer;

1. Less talkative women

The mouth; it can land you in both good and bad places. Being talkative is one of the traits in women that men actually hate. Talkative women are mostly arrogant and hard to get used to. They never give room for solving arguments. Men love women who talk less and should they have to talk they talk clear sense. Such women are easy to love and care about.

2. Independent women

Although a man has the primary role of providing for a woman, they love women who are less dependent (the ‘miss independents’). Men don’t like women who completely depend on them or women who can hardly provide for themselves. According to them, independent women are hard working women. In other words we can say men love hardworking women.

3. Stylish women

A stylish woman is a smart woman. Stylishness in this case should not mean too much make up and complicated outfits. Real men love simply stylish women. A presentable and more natural woman would do for most men than a woman with less sense of style or one with too much sense of style.

The Way A Woman Walks Affects How Attractive She Is, Researchers Find

Researchers have recently discovered that it’s not a woman’s looks— but the way she walks, that makes her attractive. According to their research, movement was just as important as looks when it came to deciding whether or not a person was attractive and is also an indication into how healthy that person is. The researchers believe that people can learn to change their movement in order to become more attractive to others.

Attractive. While your personality and looks both contribute to whether or not a person finds you attractive, researchers have also discovered that the way a woman walks also contributes to this. A recently published study from the University of Portsmouth explains just how.

Combination. “A combination of small waist, rounded hips and bottom, and a slim figure have long been reported to be important in women’s attractiveness, but it turns out the way a woman moves is as important,” said researcher Ed Morrison, as reported by the Sun UK.

Research. The research was carried out using 37 women with a variety of different body types who wore reflective markers on their bodies that tracked their movement as they walked on a treadmill. They were then judged by 14 women and 11 men.

Moving. Morrison explains that rating a person’s level of attraction was simply not enough, as people tend to look different when they move. This is why they chose to carry out the study with the moving participants instead.

Movement. “Because body shape preferences vary across cultures and through history, the study aimed to find out if you take away the face, what sort of clues would people use to gauge attractiveness. Motion capture allows us to isolate movement from body shape and compare the relative importance of the two,” continued Morrison.

Factors. At the end of the study, the researchers discovered that for the most part, all of the participants seemed to agree on the defining factors that made someone attractive. Those included an hourglass shape and a small waist-to-hip ratio, reports the Sun UK.

Photograph. “The results suggested that movement is as important as static measurements in gauging attractiveness, which was surprising because everyday experience suggests you can see easily how attractive someone is from a photograph,” said Morrison.

Results. Further analyzing the results, Morrison also discovered that women were more attractive when she “wiggles her hips and takes small steps.” And good news ladies— this is something that you can learn how to do, according to Morrison.

Change. ”It would be interesting to test if people can actively change their movement to attract or deter mates – using such knowledge is similar in evolutionary psychology terms to a woman wearing red lipstick or eyeliner, both of which directly mimic signals of fertility, youth or health,” said Morrison, as reported by the Sun UK.

Healthy. Lastly, Morrison says that the way a woman walks could be considered attractive because it could give people an insight into how healthy she is. It can also determine a person’s age and how fit they are.

Clues. “I’m not sure why a particular walking style is considered attractive but gait might be giving away important clues to a woman’s fitness and age – key components of reproductive health,” said Morrison.

Other studies. Interestingly enough, a study done in 2012 claimed that one could tell a woman’s sexual history based on the way she walks. The research, done at a Belgian university, claims the way a woman walks shows whether or not she can have an orgasm.

Orgasm. “In the sample of healthy young Belgian women, half of whom were vaginally orgasmic, history of vaginal orgasm that was triggered solely by penile-vaginal intercourse, was diagnosable at far better than chance,” said the research, as reported by the Daily Mail UK.

Results. “The discerning observer may infer women’s experience of vaginal orgasm from a gait that comprises fluidity, energy, sensuality, freedom, and absence of both flaccid and locked muscles. Results are discussed with regard to previous research on gait, the effect of the musculature on sexual function, the special nature of vaginal orgasm, and implications for sexual therapy,” read the report.


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