What do we women fancy?
Since the ability to attract a woman is seen as a greater scientific mystery than alchemy, there have been many studies on this subject. Next time you go to the club in an attempt to seduce a woman (hint: the girls you find in clubs usually aren’t the droids you’re looking for, silly Stormtrooper), take a look at these 10 scientifically proven (I’ve said so twice, so it must be true!) methods to attract the ladies. Or as we call them in “the hood”, women.
10. A Ring
More specifically, a wedding ring! I guess Beyoncé wasn’t lying after all, huh?

09. Beards
Studies reveal women do prefer beards
While there’s certainly some women who still prefer the fresh, shaven look, the majority do tend to lean more towards men with beards. This isn’t just an observation either – many studies carried out over the years have revealed a woman’s preference for beards is scientifically backed up. One survey carried out by a popular dating site, revealed out of almost 2500 women, more than 60% were drawn to a man’s facial hair.
It also revealed women prefer beards over moustaches. Another study which was published within the Journal of Evolutionary Behaviour, revealed the length of the beard also matters to women. This large study looked at the opinions of 8520 women and it revealed men with light stubble were seen as great for a one-night stand, whereas heavier stubble was more attractive for those looking for a fling.
Men with full, thick beards on the other hand, were considered much better for commitment. These are just two studies which revealed how women view beards and what part they play in the selection of a partner.
What about men who can’t grow beards?
Beards are considered a natural, manly symbol, so what happens if you can’t actually grow one? Well, the good news is there are treatments available that can help. Most popular is the beard transplant. These have grown significantly in popularity. They may be expensive, but the results are long-lasting, and they also have the added bonus of enabling men to choose what style of beard they want.
Now, beard transplants won’t be suitable for everyone, so it is important for men to talk through their options with a hair specialist. It could be SMP would be a better option if there aren’t enough suitable donor hairs available. So, if you’re struggling to grow a full beard why not book a consultation with a hair specialist today and see whether a beard transplant could be the answer.
08. Playing Guitar
Top 8 Reasons Women Desire A Man Who Can Play Guitar
So what do women find so attractive about a guy with a guitar?
Watch the following guy play. His fingers are strong, fast, precise, and it’s hard not to imagine how strong, fast, and precise they could be in the bedroom. In short, it’s a turn on to watch a guy have so much control over his hands – the hands that will touch his woman, caress her, and please her.
Guys play songs they like on the guitar, but they also play songs that mean something to them. Therefore, watching a guy play guitar is a great way to understand what touches him, what he thinks about, and how he feels about certain issues.
A peek into a man’s emotional side is something that a lot of women don’t get right away, but it’s something that they all want to see. Of course, they don’t want a man who is too emotional (nobody wants that in their life), but knowing that a man is capable of emotions is a big plus for most women. It signifies that he will be compassionate, understanding, and caring.
And music sparks emotion in people, including women that you like. In fact, if you know what a woman is thinking about, you can spark an emotional response in her that makes her pay attention to you quickly. You can manipulate (in a good way) how she feels with a song that touches her thoughts and concerns at the moment.
A friend of mine didn’t notice a guy who was into her until he pulled out his guitar at an outdoor party they were having. They were all sitting around a fire, and he started playing a blues riff that got everyone singing a hilarious version of the blues. Every note he played made him more attractive, because he was at the heart of it all. Moreover, she says that she ended up seeing his emotional side because, after the blues sing-along was done, he started playing songs that obviously meant something to him and it was touching to watch.
In short, they started dating not long after and now she is married to him. He always says how glad he is that he brought his guitar that night!
A lot of guys think that the gym is where it is at to attract women, but a study published in Sage Journals, showed that women find men carrying a guitar case more attractive than men carrying a sports bag. Over 300 women were approached for their number by a guy holding either a guitar case, sports bag, or nothing, and guess who won out? The guitar guys!
In other words, just carrying the case around, and showing women that you can play guitar, is a turn on. Is it because women understand that guys who play guitar may be good with their fingers, capable of emotions, and the life of the party? Or does it just spark some inner desire to get with someone who knows how to create music? I don’t think it really matters. All that matters is that it works.
When your guy sends you a video of him playing guitar and singing to you. Don’t you dare say you don’t find that sexy as frick
— J u l i (@songpondroryamy) August 18, 2015
Playing a song specifically for a woman is the ultimate tribute to her. You can choose a song that speaks to how you feel about her. You can say all those things you want to say without actually saying them, and the effect on her will be the same! She will find it romantic and sexy when you play guitar specifically for her.
I wouldn’t recommend going to her window at night and singing to her, unless she really digs that kind of classic move. Although, it would be much better than holding a boom box over your head outside her window.
Creativity is sexy. It symbolizes intelligence and a strong work ethic, and those are two things that women are looking for in a man. There are many different ways to show off your creativity, but we all know that even though you need to be creative to do things like draw blueprints, it’s not something that is going to stand out as an attractive quality to a lot of women – maybe some, but not a lot. Playing guitar is on a whole different level.
If you can play some feel-good music, then you can make other people feel good, including women. If you are the one making them feel good through your guitar playing, then they will associate that good feeling with you. And, when you are making them feel good, they will want to be around you, know more about you, and give you the chance to continue to make them feel good.
Therefore, don’t play depressing songs around a woman. Since the music is an expression of you, the negative tone could have a negative impact on them which could cause them to view you in a negative way. Keep the music upbeat or meaningful rather than depressing.
Even if a guy playing guitar is not a bad boy, the image of a guy holding a guitar and playing still gives off a bad boy edge. There’s something about being able to play in a band and be a rock star that makes them seem more tempting than, say, a guy who plays the flute.
07. Deodorant
Not really rocket science here – women like it if you don’t stink that stinky, rutting-buck stink. And so does everyone within an arm’s length of you.
06. A Sense of Humor

Make ‘em laugh, don’t make ‘em cry. Unless you make ‘em cry with laughter. That’s fine. Just make her enjoy herself, I guess.
I was talking to this girl once, and she was going on and on about how much she loves Njugush. “He’s the funniest guy on the planet,” she told me. “Every joke he does just makes me scream with laughter.” Being a curious person, I asked her if, given the chance, she’d fuck Njugush. “Oh God no,” she said without thinking about it. “Just because I think he’s funny doesn’t mean I want to have sex with him.” Well, I inquired, what does make you want to have sex with a guy? And I swear to you, the first thing out of her mouth was “A sense of humor.”
It’s like a Pavlovian thing with women. Ask them what they’re looking for in a man, and more often than not they’ll tell you, “Somebody who makes me laugh.” But I’m here to tell you, as a man who has made his living in comedy for more than three decades, that women are full of shit.
Being funny (and I have occasionally been funny) has never gotten me laid in my life. I’m sure you find that shocking.
05. A Deep Voice
If you ever wondered why Barry White’s voice was considered sexy and chipukeezy’s the worst – here you go.
04. Dogs
Yup. Women love dogs. I mean, who doesn’t?
03. Being Altruistic
Or in layman’s terms: don’t be an asshole to other people.
02. Wide Shoulders
Just open any magazine and gaze upon the perfect male physique! Now look down at your beer belly, pat it and give yourself a disappointed look.
01. Height
Because taller men have taller pen… – feet. I meant feet. The height of a potential partner does matter, a new study has found, but only to women, undermining evolutionary theory that people look for partners with physically similar features.
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