Ways to Keep a Long Distance Relationship Healthy in Kenya

Ways to Keep a Long Distance Relationship Healthy in Kenya

There is still hope for lovers who are physically separated by a geographical factor but still got that mental telepathy. Long distance relationship is one of the hardest and toughest ever to manage. But you can make things work out perfectly by doing the following;

1. Communicate oftenly.

Communication is the key to a successful relationship may it be long or short distant. A call or a text message could work miracles.Do it more often such that she will always know how much you really care about her. There are more advanced message apps like Skype and Whatsapp to ensure that you are closer to each other.

2. The power of assurance.

A simple ‘ I love you so much,’ can move mountains.When you assure her that the love you harbour in your heart will always grow each day, she will be happy always. Even if you ain’t going to see each other soon, there is that assurance that all is well.

3. Meet up once in a while.

In as much as you might not set eyes on each more often, you can decide to meet up someday. This is the best option ever. The fact that you have chosen to spare time out of your busy schedule means a lot; that you still love each other so much and you will make it through no matter what.

4. Open up about challenges.

In a relationship where you cannot monitor each others moves, you better learn to share the challenges that you might have gone through in the course of the day.This will show that you are very honest to each other and no matter what other people talk about you, she will believe what you said to her regarding the situation.

5. Surprises.

It should not always be a one way affair. Once in a while, send him gifts or cash, to assure him that you value him in your life. Mark special dates in her life, like her birthday. Send her a present to show appreciation and love.You have to make it work out.

6. Build trust in each other.

This is the key issue.When you look around and see what the girlfriends of your friends are doing with their lives, you might be tempted to imagine that your babe is of that caliber. With trust, you might last longer because you know each other best and the limits you can reach.

7. Know his friends.

Anything could happen to him same case with her.Friends can keep you updated on what he is going through.Relationships have problems most of the time.For that reasons, friends could spill the beans on what he is really trying to hide away from you.


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