10 biggest mistakes first time moms make

They say life is hard but you try being a parent. Nothing prepares you for the real world and life like being responsible for another soul.

Why new moms always find it challenging

A new member in the family is always a wonderful thing almost magical that is met with a lot of expectations. However, no amount of planning can prepare you.

Despite how meticulous you may be, no one is perfect and there is no baby raising formula that applies to parenting. It’s a learning experience.

How to go about motherhood

1. Obsessive cleaning
There is nothing wrong with hygiene unless you are going overboard. If you find yourself obsessed with disinfecting the floors and every surface the baby comes across. Keeping the floors and his utensils clean is enough. If the baby comes across any bacteria, his immune system should be able to tackle it early enough not to cause any infection so stop over worrying.

2. Buying tons of diapers
Nothing sucks when you get home only to find the baby has used up all the diapers and every shop out there is closed. Now you can imagine how bad the opposite of the spectrum is. You went on a diaper rampage and stocked on enough to last a year. Too bad babies grow faster than you realize and before you know it they can’t fit into them hence they go to waste. Buy as they grow.

3. Over bundling
For some reason, some mothers think the more the baby is covered up the warmer he or she is. Although shocking and heartbreaking, it is not strange to find babies bundled up in blankets in 50°C heat causing them to overheat. Keep the babies temperature regulated by feeling their feet and hands then make the necessary decision without over doing it.

4. Rush the baby to hospital
First time moms freak out a lot. If the baby is not breathing right or even the slightest sign of flu is met with a hospital visit. Learn to gauge the baby first.

5. Over territorial
This is very common with new moms, they will not want anyone to touch or hold their baby. You feel like you’re the only who understands the needs of your child and only you can provide that. Wrong. Learn to trust and let the baby go once in a while to other loved members of the family and friends.

6. Not taking naps when baby sleeps
The last thing you should be doing is cleaning or catching up on your favorite TV show. When the baby sleeps take that opportunity to do so as well. You both need it.

7. Comparing your child
You have read every book on parenting and you still don’t understand why your child is not doing what the book ‘experts’ said. Or, you and your fellow moms discuss baby tips and you begin to realize your baby is different. Of course he or she is! Don’t push it and don’t let it get to you. Everything will be ok.

8. Crying when the baby cries
Due to raging hormones and emotions, you find yourself breaking down when your baby cries either out of sympathy or frustration. Whatever the case, you are not doing your baby any favor. Be calm and be the source of strength.

9. Buying too much new clothes
Baby clothes are so cute and it is easy to see why new parents obsess over them. You prepare by having a closet full of new born and three to six month clothes which they outgrow before you know it and you’re stuck with new and tiny clothes the baby can’t wear.

10. Leave them unattended
That one second you turn away after putting them on a seat will be interrupted with a loud wail. For some reason kids get distracted and before you know it they have fallen off the seat or bed.


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