The four types of men in a woman’s life

A good number of women in their lives have a gay man, a male friend, a ‘sponsor’ and ‘the driller’! Read below to know the role you play.

How the four men work in a woman’s life

Now before you mix up matters here, the male friend and “the driller” have very distinct roles.

  1. the male friend

The male friend is that man who offers the father figure to her children. He is the man that will be called upon in times of emergencies to talk to a difficult child, he will be called upon to take the children out to the malls, movies and on Saturday afternoon outings while she ‘hustles’.

Make no mistake, this man cannot go beyond a hug and the woman is firm about that. The man drives his drive and desire to be around from a mistaken belief that he is working himself towards her innermost part of her heart. Duh! The brother has his compass tilted the wrong way.

2. the sponsor

The ‘sponsor’, of course, is the financier of her home stead. He complements her day job. But while he regards himself as the paramount chief in the homestead, he most often than not is too old, or too fat or too pre-occupied with chasing plots along the Eastern by-pass to provide a meaningful and fulfilling life in the bedroom. That is why his duties must be outsourced to the ‘driller’.

3. the driller

The ‘driller’ is often a ‘Ben 10’ sort of a guy. Reckless as they come, party animal, a lover of life and ultimately a podium finisher when it comes to ‘bedminton’ and other bedroom games. The fact that he pays for nothing, including drinks, makes him know that all the payments must be calibrated in one area and he sure puts in an Olympic performance each time he is called upon to deliver.

4. the gay friend

He has his space assured in the woman’s schedule. He is the safe guy that the woman knows they can do coffee countless times and he will not ask for benefits. He is happy to listen to all the women’s tales and habits and this comes handy when he goes fishing in gay dens. So the relationship is a ‘dual carriageway’.

Bottom line

Every straight man’s concern should be, which role does he play in the women in his life? Are you the ‘sponsor’, the trusted male friend or the ‘driller’? Let us do our homework gentlemen before you plunge in full flight.


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