Qualities of a Good Leader

An effective team leader has a variety of traits and characteristics that encourage team members to follow him.Here are some of the qualities of a good leader:

Confidence: A leader instills confidence and ‘followership’ by having a clear vision, showing empathy and being a strong coach.

Honesty: Always do the honest thing. It makes employees feel like they know where they stand with you at all times.

Integrity:  To be a person of integrity one has to be an honest person, a person with strong moral principles i.e Complete moral uprightness.This is what makes every leader a perfect one.

Humility: A true leader has to be humble to ensure a good relationship between him and his followers.

Communicative: True leaders share their vision or strategy often with those around them. Good communication commands a perfect relationship .

Patience: A good leader has to have the ability tolerate every situation that comes there way without getting upset everytime something gets out of control.

Open-mindedness: Good leaders need to keep an open mind while being flexible, and adjust if necessary.

Take Responsibility: Great leaders know that when it comes to their company, work place or whatever situation they’re in, they need to take personal responsibility for failure.The best leaders don’t make excuses; they take the blame and then work out how to fix the problem as soon as possible. This proves that they’re trustworthy and possess integrity.

Empowerment: As a leader, you need to set others up for success by entrusting them to make good decisions.Empowerment is not just about giving your followers the freedom to make their own choices, it’s about giving them the tools and processes to make those choices effectively and productively.

Resourceful: When faced with a challenge, smart leaders are able to find creative solutions to problems.Being resourceful involves understand all the resources at your disposal, adapting by applying other experiences, sometimes bending the rules and never being of afraid to ask for what you need.

Organized: You can’t  sail your ship if you don’t know where the sail is, likewise, you can’t run your business if you aren’t organized.
Leaders know that value in keeping their personal and professional things (both physical and electronic) in order.

Influential: Influential leaders help inspire the commitment of team members to meet company goals and objectives. Influential leaders also help manage change in the workplace by gaining the confidence of workers through effective decision making and communication.

Assertive: It’s important to make sure your voice is heard as a leader, but in a constructive, helpful way.You need to get your point across clearly, and involve your self in the day-to-day operations of key team members.Look out for opportunities to collaborate and trust your team to make important decisions.

Curiosity: Leaders are often driven be an insatiable desire to learn, push the limits of what’s possible and explore things other people have or will not explore themselves.
Expanding your mind can often be as simple as reading, asking “why?” more often and enjoying the journey your own.

Intuition: Leadership  is often about following your gut instinct.
It can be difficult to let go of logic in some situations, but uncertainty and risk are a natural in business.
Learn to trust your self and not everyone else.

Charisma: Successful  leaders are magnetizing and charming which inspires devotion in their followers.
This charisma can be difficult to learn, it usually requires most people to go outside of their comfort zone by speaking with more strangers as well as learning how to command the attention and speak to a group of any size.


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